Saturday, June 1, 2019

Female Muscle Map Graphics

 If you save these to your phone camera roll, they should scroll well. Cross reference these with the Female Muscle Map Reference Page.

Female Muscle Map

Everything here is just to give a good starting point, and the reason I list what motions the muscle does under “Use” is so you can use that info to modify any exercise to make it hit your muscles better. Everyone’s different!
  • Keep movements slow and controlled, and try your hardest to actually use the target muscle to do the work of each exercise. One slow rep where you're working to isolate the target muscle is better than 10 fast lazy reps!
  • The second half of each lift is important too! Getting your back off the ground on a crunch is great, but slowly lowering yourself back down is arguably more important. That's where your muscles really grow.
  • Never allow your muscles to take a cheap rest. Between reps you can usually rest for a second and release tension on your muscles. You'll get a way more effective set if your muscles stay contracted. Remember, muscles build by stress and microtears in the fibers, so keep them working. So stop your range of motion before you get to that 'resting position,' and start your next rep. There's usually a rest period at the 'top' of each lift too, try avoiding that rest for a way more effective workout.
  • For heavier lifts, make sure you're working on increasing weight. If you can do over 12 reps of a weighted lift, consider upping the weight or doing one of the listed modifiers to increase difficulty!
  • Try chaining exercises together for that extra burn. Modify your own program and make it yours!
  • Be extra alert about any additional notes marked with '***.' These are exercises that can injure you if you do them wrong!
Note on resistance bands: Resistance bands rock and are SO underrated. They're light and you can take them anywhere, and stepping on them in a different spot can alter the resistance. Most importantly, as you move through a lift with a resistance band, the resistance increases at the top of the lift. This is the most important part of a lift, it forces you to keep tension, and you need to really fight gravity to slowly lower the additional weight back down. This hits all the points for muscle building, and improves upon most of the drawbacks of dumbbells!! They'll change your life, use them!!
Click the links to open for information on lift form and more!


Rectus Abdominis - The actual '6 pack.' While building this muscle is important and will make it more prominent, fat loss is the main thing that will make these puppies peek through and give definition in the area.

Use: Simply trunk flexion. Standing upright, bending at the hips and bringing your head down towards your feet.
Lying Hip Raise
You can do this on the floor, but something behind you to hold onto makes you a lot more stable. Try not to let your feet rest on the ground each rep.
Weighted Crunch
Body, Plate
Placing a weight higher up on your body increases difficulty. The higher the weight is on your body, the more of a mechanical disadvantage you'll create, and the better the workout.
Don't use momentum! Focus on the "trunk flexion" to lift yourself. If your abs burn, you're doing it right.
These are great but tough to modify to increase difficulty, but they're definitely good to do right after another core workout to fully exhaust it.
Hanging Leg Raise
Try alternating these with reps where your legs are straight out, or twist your body slightly in alternating directions to really burn each side.
Increase difficulty by not allowing your body to hand straight down each rep. Stop before you get to the 'loose hang.' This burns!!!

Obliques - These work alongside the rectus abdominis to give core definition.

Use: Trunk flexion as well, but also bending sideways and twisting.
Side Bend
Keep these slow! Only carry the weight in one hand at a time to get the most effect. I do reps on each side separately, not alternating like in the gif!
A lot of people do little half reps on these, but try long reps where your hands reach knee height. 
Might be more comfortable with kettlebells or even a plate.
Lying Twist
Body, DB
A light dumbbell or a ball between your feet increases difficulty. Don't drop it though :)
This is another one of those exercises that goes really good after another exercise to fully exhaust you.
Side Bridge
Body, Plate
Place a weight on your hip to increase difficulty, but watch for shoulder stress.
Cable Twist
Cable, Band
Focus on using only the core twisting motion to move the weight, once you can truly focus on that, your arms won't even bend, twisting will do all the work.
Can adjust the cables to hit from an incline angle (as shown), a shoulder height angle, or a low angle. I personally love shoulder height.
Depending on the angle of the twist, you may feel it working lower or upper obliques. Experiment and find out what works best for you!
45 Degree Side Bend
Can do this on a back extension machine as well.
Might feel better to hold the weight up by your chin.



Gluteus Maximus - Main butt muscle. Contains the underbooty and the outward pop.

Use: From a standing position, the gluteus maximus allows you to move your leg backwards. Also allows you to go from a sitting to standing position.
Single Leg Deadlift
Drive with your glutes to bring yourself back upright.
If you find you want to go really heavy on this, check out the barbell deadlift. (Listed under Hamstrings, but it also hits the glutes!)
Body, DB, BB
***Squats are one of those exercises where form is very important, please click the link below to read about squat form!!
Try doing squats on your toes with your heels lifted to see if they hit your booty better than regular ones. You can put a plate under each heel.
Squats take a lot of practice to target the right muscle, figure out how if hits your booty best and revel in that burn!

Body, DB
Hold onto dumbbells to increase difficulty.
Instead of returning back to the neutral position, you can step forward and turn this into a walking lunge to increase difficulty and add a cardio aspect to it.
A long lunge directly targets the booty, a short lunge targets the Quadriceps.
Step Ups
Body, DB,
To increase difficulty, do all the reps with your first leg, then do all your reps with the second. When you step up onto the bench, don't put your non-working foot down on it, keep the tension and lower yourself back down.

Hip Extension
Cable, Band
Keep a very slight bend in both knees to protect them from hyper-extending.
Hip Thrust
Plate, BB
Literally anything heavy on your lap works! Make sure you put something soft down on your lap if the weight is heavy.
With smaller weights on a barbell, it could be hard to get into position.
It might be easier to do this at the head of a decline bench or even a low chair.
Most importantly, make sure you're pushing with the booty, and lower back down slowly!
Leg Press
***Remember, never fully extend and lock out your knees on the leg press!!! 
Wide stance works booty best. High on the leg press works the underbooty, Wide and low works the center booty and makes it pop. Pushing with different parts of your feet with different placement will hit different parts of the leg.

Holding a deep bodyweight squat is great for stretching glutes.

Gluteus Medius/Minimus - Upper butt muscles. These both have a similar function.

Use: With legs together, these allow you to open your leg to the side. (Hip Abduction)
Cable Hip Abduction
Cable, Band
Bend the working knee very slightly and hold it there, try not to fully extend and lock your knee out.
When using a band, you can wrap it around your other ankle, or an object, depending on the length of your band.
Hip Abduction (Bad Girls) 
Cable, Band
Can put a band just above knees and spread your legs for a band version.
Situating your butt further up on the seat can help target the medius/minimus. If you're using a band, moving the band higher up your thighs will do the same thing.
Side Bridges
Body, Band
Add a resistance band around your ankles or legs to increase difficulty.
Side Steps

To increase difficulty, lower yourself into a partial narrow squat position, then do your side steps. This will also help work the Gluteus Maximus!!
Moving the band further down towards your ankles also increase difficulty. Situate the band wherever you feel the best burn.
Body, Band
The little kick in the end can be added to increase the difficulty.
Resistance band above your knees can also increase the difficulty.

Stretches - People notoriously have bad flexibility here, or low strength when deep in the movements. These stretches help.

Inner Thighs

Hip Adductors/Gracilis - Multiple Inner Thigh muscles. The "Thigh Gap."

Use: Pulls your legs inwards.(Hip Adduction) Opposite of Gluteus Minimus/Medius.
Hip Adduction(Good Girls)
It's important to only push inward with your knees. It's real eas to help the movement with your feet on the foot platforms, but cheating isn't how you build up your adductors!!
Holding the stretch is a great way to increase leg flexibility. Increasing your flexibility will overall increase the things you can do with your legs and the strength you'll have.
Cable Hip Adduction
Cable, Band
Bend the knee slightly just like Jon Snow, and don't go too high on weight or the machine will pull you towards it. Having something to hold onto like in the gif is recommended.

The adductors are one of the most commonly injured muscle groups when performing many leg exercises, so increasing flexibility and stretching is key.

Psoas/Iliac - Hip Flexor muscles, also improves lower obliques.

Use: These allow you to bend your waist and bring your feet up to make you a 90 degree angle. Hanging leg raise is a very good example.
Hanging Leg Raise
Straightening your legs increases difficulty.
This is also a good core exercise so it's smart to combine these with those workouts!
Lying Leg Raise 
Body, Band
Attach a band to your ankles from a low object to increase the resistance.

Quadriceps - Top of your upper leg. Most exercises hit every part, but there's a section below that shows exercises that hit certain parts especially well. Lots of exercises that hit this also hit booty!

Use: Knee extension, going from having a bent knee to a straight knee.
***Squats are one of those exercises where form is very important, please click the link below to read about squat form!!

Heavier half squats may allow you to tire out your quads more, but it takes a lot of the booty out of the exercise, so it's best to do them deep and get double bang for your buck!
Single Leg Split Squat
Body, DB
Also works glutes really well. If you remove the bench it works your balance, but it will lower the weight you can push. If you want this to be a booty/quad combo exercise, just tweak how much you drive yourself up using your butt and your quads to fit your goals!!
Leg Press
***Never fully extend and lock out your knees on the leg press!!!
Normal width in the center of the platform is good for all around development including hamstrings and booty.
A narrower foot stance really focuses the quads.

Pushing with different parts of your feet with different placement will hit different parts of the leg.


The following are the specific muscles in the quadriceps. Once again, any quad workout will hit all of them, but if you're looking for specific shaping, these may help. Remember, whatever you feel is hitting the right area of that muscle is probably the best thing to do.

Quadricep - Vastus Lateralis 
Outer Quads. Exercises that hit your quads with your feet closer together will target this specifically.

Narrow Squats
DB, BB, Smith
Do squats but keep feet closer together. May be easier on a smith machine.
With a smith machine, stand a bit further forward like in the gif. 
Drive up with your heels.
Leg Extension 
Machine, Band
Point your toes slightly inward if comfortable.
Keep your feet close to each other.
Be mindful of any knee pain on this machine. It's great for some people but causes problems for others.
Leg Press
***Never fully extend and lock out your knees on the leg press!!! 
A narrower foot stance, and lower placement tends to target the outer quad.  
Pushing with different parts of your feet with different placement will hit different parts of the leg. 

Quadricep - Rectus Femoris
Front Quad. Exercises that target the Psoas/Iliac (Hip Flexors) target this muscle as well, so by doing those, you're also putting extra work into this muscle. This muscle is the 'kicking' muscle. It takes majority of the load when you're standing, your heel is behind you, and flexing into neutral stance.(Like in the Standing Leg Extension below)

Standing Leg Extension
Cable, Band
Slightly bend your non-working knee for better support.
You probably won't find a machine like the one in the picture, so sticking to a band is best.
If you use a regular cable machine, you'll need to tweak your stance a bit because you need something to hold on to. standing closer to the cable machine and reaching back and supporting yourself on the cable machine itself works well.

Quadricep - Vastus Medialis
Inner Quad. This muscle specifically is stimulated in the last 20 degrees of movement. You can feel it flex when you stand up extra straight and flex your legs. You feel it above your knee towards the inside of your thigh.
Leg Extension
Toes points slightly out, when your legs are fully straight out, hold that position and flex your quads for a few seconds, then release.
It's usually a rule to never lock out your legs, but since this machine is trying to push them back down, it's safe.
Single Leg Step Ups
Body, DB
Do them one leg at a time, make sure you stand fully straight and flex your quad for a few seconds, then step down with that foot.

Hamstrings - Back of your upper legs.

Use: Knee flexion, bringing your heel to your butt. Opposite of quadriceps.
***This is another one of those lifts where form is very important. Please clock the exrx link below to fully read about form for the deadlift.

If using a barbell with smaller weights, it can be really tough to reach down low enough without rounding your back, since you need to reach further to grab the bar. That's why it can be better to use dumbbells or kettlebells at lower weights.
Bent-over Leg Curl
Cable, Band
You can do this standing upright and close to the machine, or like in the gif. Figure out what hits the hams best for you!
Careful with weight, since you're standing away from the machine, if the weight is too high and you fail, it can pull you forward. Make sure you brace yourself on the machine well with your hands so this doesn't happen.
Leg Press
***Never fully extend and lock out your knees on the leg press!!! 
Push with your heels with a wider stance to target hamstrings.

Pushing with different parts of your feet with different placement will hit different parts of the leg.